A major campaign to make Newark and Sherwood a cleaner, safer and greener place to live, work and visit is launched today, Thursday 19th July.
Newark and Sherwood District Council will lead action on an extensive range of issues from street litter to dog fouling, anti-social behaviour to noisy neighbours and recycling to refuse collection.
The council is spearheading the initiative and in addition to its own wide-ranging work in dealing with environmental issues, street cleanliness and community safety, it is looking to work with partners and also to empower residents to help improve the places where they live.
The council is encouraging communities to ensure their own environment is cleaner and greener and is taking an uncompromising approach to environmental crime.
It also aims to make the district a safer place in which to live by taking a tougher line on anti-social behaviour which negatively impacts on some of our residents, the vast majority of whom are law-abiding.
The district council will be investing resources to support the campaign’s objectives, Including:
Targeted ‘days of action’, in partnership with communities and businesses , to help improve designated neighbourhoods, which will feature council frontline staff working with the community to deep cleanse streets and deal with community safety issues
Subject to Policy and Finance Committee approval in September, the intention to recruit two street wardens who would have powers to impose fixed penalty notices for anyone caught littering or allowing dog fouling, along with the introduction of maximum possible penalties for culprits
A response to the eyesore of fly-posting where unauthorised advertising signs are attached to railings and street furniture, blighting our town centres
An information pack to be sent to parish and town councils, encouraging local communities to organise their own litter-picks with council equipment and support as well as providing help in dealing with other aspects of the cleaner, safer and greener agenda
A specific information campaign to improve household recycling throughout the district and reduce bin contamination. The council will be writing to all homes in the district stating what household items can and cannot be recycled to help improve recycling rates in the district
New reporting mechanisms for residents to notify the council about environmental crime. For example, flytipping, dog fouling, littering and graffiti, so residents can inform the council of areas needing attention.
Council leader David Lloyd said: “Newark and Sherwood is already a good place to live, work and visit but we can all do more by working together. With our partners, local communities, businesses and residents, we can all make Newark and Sherwood a cleaner, safer and greener place that we are all proud of.
“We want to work with partners and communities to further improve the quality of life as a cleaner, safer and greener environment helps to promote well-being, happiness and productivity. However, make no mistake, we will take action on those who spoil and disrespect our environment.”
Deputy leader Keith Girling said: “Newark and Sherwood is a fantastic place to live but often, as councillors, we get to hear about the negatives and what has the most detrimental impact on people’s lives. That’s why, as a council, we will be using resources in tackling what people have been telling us they want. We live here too and it means a lot to every one of us that we all respect our neighbours and where we live.”
The quick and simple way of reporting an incident relating to the campaign is to complete the online form at https://www.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/onlineforms/ . Alternatively call the Customer Services team on 01636 650000.