Nottinghamshire County Council and Veolia remind residents that Recycling Centres will be running normal opening hours over the festive period with the exception of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
The County's twelve Recycling Centres, run by Veolia, Nottinghamshire County Council’s recycling and waste contractor will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. All sites will be open between 8am - 4pm every other day over the festive period.
Wrapping paper, cards, Christmas trees, unwanted or broken electrical items including Christmas lights, and excess cardboard and other materials can all be recycled at the sites. Please remember that your recycling bin at home should only contain cans, tins, paper, cardboard and plastic bottles, yoghurt pots and margarine tubs.
To make visits to the Recycling Centre quicker and easier, everyone is encouraged to sort their items such as garden waste, electricals, and scrap metal before they arrive at site.
Full information on opening hours and the wide range of items that can be taken to the sites, can be found on the County Council website: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/recycling Please also check your local Borough or District Council arrangements for Christmas and New Year kerbside recycling and waste collection dates.
For tips on how to reuse and recycle Christmas waste and to learn how to get on Santa's good list this year, have a look at the festive Notts Recycles advent calendar: www.veolia.co.uk/nottinghamshire/notts-recycles-advent-calendar where you will find a different tip each day, including great recipes to use up your Christmas dinner leftovers.