Newark and Sherwood District Council tenants are being encouraged to take part in a national survey from the Regulator of Social Housing which is seeking views on its proposals for tenant satisfaction measures. These measures are just one part of a number of changes to consumer regulations set out in the Government’s Charter for Social Housing Residents.
The Charter was introduced after the Grenfell Tower fire and in addition to looking at tenant satisfaction, it also sets out the actions the government will take to ensure that residents in social housing are safe, are listened to, live in good quality homes, and have access to redress when things go wrong.
The government is proposing to introduce 22 tenant satisfaction measures which reflect the themes and issues set out in the Charter.
These proposals include looking at how satisfaction is measured, how landlords deal with complaints and how tenants will have their views listened to and acted on.
Newark and Sherwood District Council Leader David Lloyd, said: “I encourage our tenants to take part, to have a look at the suggested measures and feedback as soon as they can as the results we get will help the government in ensuring effective measures are in place to ensure tenants have their voices heard.”
“We already have a suite of satisfaction measures for our housing services and welcome the opportunity to support our tenants with responding to this consultation.”
The Regulator of Social Housing have taken the Charter as their starting point, and have spoken to tenants, landlords and housing sector representatives to help them develop their proposals. They aim to arrive at measures that are comparable between landlords across England but also allow the right amount of flexibility so that landlords can ensure their information is relevant to them and their tenants and will help them manage their own performance.
Tenants are asked to feedback on the measures by Thursday 3 March 2022. Any responses after this date may not be considered in the final results.
Respondents are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible, but they do not have to respond to every question.
You can find the survey and proposals at: www.gov.uk/government/consultations/consultation-on-the-introduction-of-tenant-satisfaction-measures
If, for example, you are unable to complete an online response, you can email your response to: consultation@rsh.gov.uk. Please include “Tenant Satisfaction Measures” in the subject heading.
If you do not have online access please contact the District Council on 01636 650 000 who will print out a copy of the measures and the survey. You can then send a written response to:
The Regulator of Social Housing
Referrals and Regulatory Enquiries team
Level 2
7-8 Wellington Place
Please mark the envelope “Tenant Satisfaction Measures”.
The Newark and Sherwood District Council Tenant Engagement team is also providing a programme of events to support tenants through the consultation face to face. Times and dates are listed below:
- Tuesday 1 February from 1pm until 3pm at Cleveland Square Community Centre in Newark
- Tuesday 8 February from 4pm until 6pm at Community Centre on Cambridge Close in Rainworth
There will also be online sessions for tenants who would prefer to learn more at home. Times and dates are listed below:
- Tuesday 15 February from 12pm until 2pm via online support drop ins
- Thursday 24 February from 3pm until 5pm via online support drop ins
To find out more or to book a place at one of the online support drop ins, you can email Getinvolved@newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk or call 01636 665219 or 01636 665594 to speak to the Tenant Engagement team