The county council has confirmed that it intends to enable thousands of Nottinghamshire schoolchildren to benefit from free school meals during the Easter break.
It has been calculated that more than 25,000 eligible youngsters from low-income households across the county will receive 125,000 meal vouchers.
The scheme would again be delivered using money from the government’s Household Support Fund (HSF), following the Chancellor’s announcement in the Spring Budget that he is doubling HSF investment to £1bn.
www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals, with the vouchers distributed to youngsters by their schools.
Parents in Nottinghamshire can find out if their child is eligible for free school meals hereChairman of the county council's Children and Young People’s Committee, Councillor Tracey Taylor, said: “I’m glad that we will be able to offer free school meals to low-income household pupils over the Easter school holiday. “Giving targeted help to this specific set of pupils is even more critical as we continue to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
"We can provide these meals because of funding from the government's Household Support Fund.
“We understand the pressure people are facing from the cost of living, and I hope the families of the thousands of eligible youngsters will now feel more at ease this Easter.”
For more information contact Michael Watkinson on 07872310409 or michael.watkinson@nottscc.gov.uk