Residents in an area of Newark are being urged to come forward and speak about the issues which affect them most as part of an initiative to make the district Cleaner, Safer and Greener.
A drop-in session for residents of Chatham Court, Newark has been organised by Newark police and Newark and Sherwood District Council to give residents the opportunity to get involved and help deal with issues of nuisance, fly-tipping, alleged drug use and anti-social behaviour.
The meeting has been designed to create a safe forum for residents to attend where they can talk, face-to-face and in confidence, to the council’s anti-social behaviour officers, housing officers from Newark and Sherwood Homes, local councillors and the police about their views and concerns.
Terry Bailey, anti-social behaviour officer at Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: “All residents are welcome to attend and together we can develop a strategy to address problems that they are experiencing.
“We recently spoke to one Chatham Court resident who said one reason why incidents aren’t reported is that people feel frightened of any comebacks as a result of doing so. We want to encourage Chatham Court residents to attend, get involved, offer their views and speak in confidence about their experiences to give us an idea on where we can best focus our efforts.”
Sergeant Mike Taylor, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “This is a great opportunity for residents of Chatham Court to let us know what concerns them in their area, so that we can work with the council to address those issues. In the process, we may be able to answer questions and allay fears about the reporting of incidents and the response that you can expect from ourselves and our partners.”
The session will be held at Millgate Community Centre on Pelham Street on Tuesday, July 23 between 4:30pm and 5:45pm.