Over 8,000 Nottinghamshire residents have already completed the Big Notts Survey and with just a few days remaining before it closes on 19 September, now’s the time to have your say.
The Big Notts Survey is the biggest pubic engagement Nottinghamshire County Council has ever conducted with the people of Nottinghamshire, as it seeks to understand their priorities as we recover from the pandemic, plus their hopes and concerns for the next 10 years and beyond. The feedback will be central to the council’s ambitious new Council Plan which will be published this autumn.
All residents can take part by completing the online survey at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/bignottssurvey or by picking-up a printed copy from all county libraries, Children’s Centres and other council buildings.
Councillor Ben Bradley MP, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “The response to the Big Notts Survey has been amazing, and I would like to say a huge thank you to all those people who have taken the few minutes out of their day needed to complete it.”
“But a few days remain before the survey closes and we really don’t want anyone to miss out on this unique opportunity to help shape the future for Nottinghamshire, therefore I would urge anyone who hasn’t yet had their say, to do so now.
Councillor Bradley continued: “Last month as the county celebrated its first ever Nottinghamshire Day it showed how passionate people are about the places they live and how much they care about the future prosperity of our county. In the responses so far, people have been very honest and that’s exactly what we need so we can understand how to best support communities and improve our council services now and into the future.”
Councillor Bruce Laughton, Deputy Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council added: “We will be analysing the results closely to ensure we capture the key points that residents have told us. These will form the core of our Council Plan which will be a plan for action and one that we are committed to delivering, as we build a better Nottinghamshire that benefits us all."
For more information or to request an interview with Cllr Bruce Laughton, please contact Natalie Robinson by emailing natalie.robinson@nottscc.gov.uk