A level students at the Magnus Academy were unable to take exams due to Coronavirus but many have still received great results.
Anna Martin, Principal of Magnus Church of England Academy, says the challenges have brought out the best in her students, “This year, we wanted to celebrate the stoicism of our students who have faced so many new challenges this year. They have shown real character and resilience and are an inspiration to the staff at Magnus.
“Many of our A Level students are now moving onto universities with some fantastic opportunities secured in the pursuit of their future goals in education and we wish them all the very best for their futures.”
Rebecca Barber (Senior Leader Post 16) said that the school has seen many success stories.“We have to acknowledge that this year has been a different experience for all of us. Nevertheless, we have seen some fantastic results for students.
“Following on from their success at GCSE, Jordan Lovett has received A*A* AA and Head Girl, Georgia Furmidge has received A*A*A*A. Both who have been successful in their applications to university.”
Georgia said, ‘I am looking forward to the physics element of my course and studying Maths in greater depth. This year has been very different! I’m pleased with my results and looking forward to starting fresh in September.”
This year also sees the first cohort of You Can Do Sport Students graduating and moving onto their chosen destinations. Danny Mountney-Town has secured a place at BishopGrosseteste University to study Sport, Coaching and Physical Education along with teammateKatie Scott.
“I am really proud of these students who have developed so much over their time in the Sports Academy and now are moving on to further their study in Sport” said Rebecca Barber,“The sports academy continues to grow, and we are excited to see other students follow in their footsteps.
“We are also celebrating our first student in recent years to go on to read Music at university.Tia Jermyn has studied Music A Level, alongside her other subjects and is a prominent member of the school’s band dedicating her time and efforts to her studies. Tia told us she is excited for the extra-curricular elements of her course, meeting new people and playing new music and we wish her all the success as she moves onto Hull university.”
Students from Magnus Academy are also continuing to choose to study further afield. Another first for Magnus is Poppy White, being successful in her place at London School of Economics and Political Science at the University of London. Poppy has chosen to read Mathematics and Economics following her success in Psychology, Further Maths, Maths and Economics receiving A*AA*A*.
Poppy said “I’m excited for the independence moving away to university will bring. London will be a brilliant city to study and live. I’m looking forward to exploring London and what it has to offer.”
Anna Martin, Principal, said she was delighted to hear of the students future plans in what was a challenging year. “We asked staff to show integrity when producing centre assessed grades. This was supported by rigorous standardisation across students and subjects.
We are therefore delighted that the hard work of students over the last 2 years has been recognised and the vast majority of student grades are unchanged by exam boards.”