A ‘modest’ council tax increase is being proposed by Nottinghamshire County Council as part of its Budget for 2022/23 to fund vital road infrastructure works and continued high-quality care for vulnerable adults.
The proposal will see council tax raised by 1% and the Adult Social Care precept implemented at 3%, leading to the majority of Nottinghamshire households having their bill increased by just 86p per week.
The Budget proposal has taken into account cost-of-living pressures facing Nottinghamshire residents with the increase in council tax below the average rate of inflation.
The additional council tax revenue will be earmarked to fund improved infrastructure investment, including £12m over four years to deliver patching repairs on our road network.
This follows the council’s wide-ranging Highways Review, which pledged to overhaul how local roads are fixed with an emphasis on lasting preventative measures.
The Adult Social Care precept will fund continued care for some of Nottinghamshire’s most vulnerable adults with demand for the service increasing significantly over the 18 months because of the pandemic.
Finance Committee Chairman, Councillor Richard Jackson, said: “We think our budget proposal for the coming year is both modest and fair.
“We understand the cost-of-living is biting households, and that’s why we are keeping the increase to 1% rather than opting for 2%, which was on the table.
“We’ve been able to keep the rise to a minimum because we have managed our books well and have a stable financial platform to build on.
“I’m delighted we have been able to balance the budget this year, and we hope to do the same for the next three years, despite the challenges and pressures we face.
“The truth of the matter is that the majority of Nottinghamshire households will only see their council tax bill go up by just 86p per week with the average increase just over a £1.
“I want to assure taxpayers that extra revenue from an increase in council tax will be pumped into improving our roads and critical infrastructure, which in turn will lead to improved economic growth for the whole of Nottinghamshire as well as better job opportunities for young and old.
“The Adult Social Care precept will continue to fund care and support for our most vulnerable residents, many of whom are our friends, relatives and loved ones.”
Councillors will now consider the comprehensive Budget proposals for 2022/23 at the next Finance Committee meeting on Monday 7 February, if agreed, the proposal will then be presented to Full Council on Thursday 24 February for final approval.
For further information on how residents and community groups can access a range of grants and funding schemes, please visit www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/financialsupport