Plans are being developed for a new 630 pupil primary school in Newark to provide for the growth in demand for school places due to housing developments.
Councillors on the Children and Young People’s committee supported the proposal to build one larger primary school on the Middlebeck housing development, south of Newark.
The new school, Christ Church Primary School, will replace the existing Christ Church Infant School, and will be funded by renegotiating Section 106 contributions from the developer.
It was agreed that Section 106 contributions to build one larger primary school, with capacity to extend to a three form entry, would replace the existing proposal to provide two smaller primary schools.
Councillors also agreed to consult with Christ Church Infant School Governing Body, the Southwell Diocese and the community to extend the age range and to become a primary school.
Councillor Philip Owen, chairman of the Children and Young People’s committee, said: “The County Council retains statutory responsibility to secure a sufficiency of school places for all school aged children in Nottinghamshire.
“A key challenge for the County Council will be to secure school high quality places school places for primary aged children during the early stages of the housing developments prior to the meeting of any Section 106 trigger points and before any new school is built.”
To meet the need for school places during the early part of the housing development, councillors agreed to extend the age range of the current Christ Church Infant School to a primary school.
Councillor Owen added: “In 2010, the whole school cohort was 29 and whilst it has grown significantly as a result of the collaboration with Coddington Primary School, it faces considerable financial and curriculum delivery challenges. This proposal represents a great opportunity to secure the long term future of Christ Church School and provide an excellent opportunity for existing and future families in the Newark Town area.
“This proposal allows Christ Church to maintain its historical link to Newark Town and grow to becoming a primary school within the new development.”
It is planned that during the 2020/21 academic year, pupils in year 3 will be taught on the existing Christ Church Infant School site. By the September (2021) phase 1(a 210 place primary with the capacity to expand to a 630 place school) of the new Christ Church Primary school will be complete. The subsequent phases of the new school are the subject of a detailed agreement with the school planned to grow as the housing development progresses.