Newark Academy want your old IT equipment for schools in Ghana.
This winter, Newark Academy are working alongside schools in Ghana to help to provide IT equipment for some of their most remote educational outlets.
GNAIT is a registered non governmental organisation consisting of IT professionals and ICT teachers in Ghana. This association was formed out of passion by James Ackon who visited a primary school in Dorset, UK through the British council teacher exchange programme ‘Connecting Classrooms’. He saw the difference between Ghanaian education and UK education. Katie Vause, a teacher at Newark Academy, met James through the Connecting Classrooms programme after spending some time teaching in Ghana in 2014. Together they established the NGO, GNAIT to support deprived schools in Ghana and develop opportunities for students to benefit from ICT education – something which they have limited access to at this moment in time. It is the aim of GNAIT to transform the traditional methodologies into digital teaching and learning.
Newark Academy and Radio Newark are asking schools, organisations and workplaces in the Newark region to donate any unwanted ICT equipment – even if it is broken as we are planning on sending a shipment of donated ICT equipment to Ghana for the GNAIT to distribute amongst rural schools so that students can learn, develop new skills and begin to aspire for a career in ICT industries.
If you think you could help, please get in contact with Katie on 01636 615000 or email kvause@newarkacademy.co.uk