Fruit and vegetable, meat, bread and fish stalls will still be trading, with customers asked to stay two metres apart.
Speaking to Radio Newark, markets manager Ian Harrison said, “ We are only sustaining essential food and other essential item traders now, and ensuring suitable measures are in place to keep people safe.”
This comes after the UK government put strict new measures in place to try and contain the spread of Coronavirus, including limiting people leaving their home for only the following reasons:
- Shopping as infrequently as possible for essential items (i.e food and medicine)
- One form of exercise only with members of the same household
- Any medical need or care for a vulnerable person
- Travelling to and from work, only where work can absolutely not be done at home.
The Prime Minister also announced that all businesses and should close, except supermarkets, petrol stations, post offices, launderettes, bike shops, pet shops, banks and hardware stores. More information is available on the UK Government website.
Ian Harrison continued, “We are looking upon the market as an outside environment for people to shop, possibly safer than supermarkets, so we are asking people for their support.
We are selling lots of fruit and veg at the moment so are asking people to get to the market in the morning if possible.”
The Sunday artisan markets were cancelled earlier this week until further notice.
Social distancing measures have been in place at the market since last week with stalls moved to allow more space between traders.
The UK government have asked everyone to minimise their time spent outside the home, keep at least two metres apart and wash their hands regularly.