Nottinghamshire County Council has announced a hardship fund which has been made available to help residents and businesses affected by the recent flooding in the county.
A number of communities have been affected by flooding over the weekend and roads across the county remain closed.
The county council has set up the Nottinghamshire Floods Hardship Fund for Residents and the Nottinghamshire Floods Business Hardship Fund.
Residents whose homes suffered internal flooding will be eligible to apply for a one-off payment of £120.
Small or micro businesses with up to 49 employees, whose premises were flooded will be eligible to apply for an emergency payment of £300 to help them cope with immediate, short-term loss of income.
Councillor Kay Cutts, MBE, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council said: “We are currently working with partners across the county to help people in the most need following the recent flooding and will continue to do so.”
She continued, “I understand the impact that an event like this can have on residents and small businesses and I want to help those who have had their homes flooded and who may now be in financial difficulty.”
“I also want to ensure our local small businesses don’t struggle due to cash flow and the County Council wants to help those affected to recover quickly.”
To apply for either the residents’ fund or business fund people can ring the county council’s contact centre on 0300 500 8080. Customer Service Centre staff are available between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday to take information and payments will be made to those who are eligible.
Find out about the latest road closures and other disruption caused by flooding by checking Nottinghamshire County Council’s website www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk and clicking on ‘view disruption’ www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/planning-and-environment/emergencies-and-disruption/current-disruption