Inspire Online has been developed to support and entertain our local communities during lockdown.
Brought to you by Inspire Culture, Learning and Libraries who deliver cultural and learning services across Nottinghamshire including your local libraries.
Launched during the first national lockdown in 2020, Inspire Online brings together a wide range of information and events that Nottinghamshire residents can enjoy whilst we socially distance over the coming months. With live events and new activities being added all the time it’s worth checking back regularly to discover more.
Some of the resources available are:
A library service is available for socially distant click and collect, but there’s also a wide range of eBooks, eMagazines and audio books available free of charge online for library members. We’ve got interviews with famous authors and a range of other events planned too.
For young children we have Rattle, Rhyme and Roll sessions on video for you to enjoy with your tots or join Granny Owl for a production of Story Explorers Online produced in conjunction with Nottingham Playhouse.
For older children and teens there’s a gripping audio drama to listen to ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’ as well as Inspire Youth Arts online drama and dance sessions.
For adults there’s an online book club, exhibitions to enjoy and Jazz Steps at Home. Many of our Heritage services are still available remotely with online events planned for the coming months.
Our Learning & Skills team are also offering their full programme of spring courses online through Zoom – both community learning and accredited courses.
Finally, the Virtual World section shares some of the best online resources available to you from across the globe, so there is plenty to explore.
Councillor Cottee, Chairman of the Communities and Place committee at Nottinghamshire County Council said, “I am a big supporter of Inspire and their services which are available to Nottinghamshire residents as part of the County Council’s cultural offer. These services haven’t stopped during the pandemic we’re just delivering them differently.
“Inspire are at the heart of our communities and provide an essential service for so many, alongside activities which can enrich lives, and also benefit mental well-being particularly during this challenging time.
“Our libraries, learning and cultural activities have a strong track record of inspiring local people to achieve, learn and develop and through Inspire Online, people can continue to take advantage of all the wonderful benefits. There are fantastic resources for children and adults of all ages, all available to access online.”
Peter Gaw, Chief Executive Inspire, commented, “We are delighted to be able to support our communities during the current pandemic, as we know for many libraries are a lifeline. We hope there is something for everyone whether accessing our click & collect service or enjoying everything Inspire Online has to offer.”
To find out more visit inspireculture.org.uk/online and join our newsletter here to keep in touch with the latest news. https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/get-involved/inspire-email/ Follow our #InspireOnline and #BeInspired hashtag on social too!