Residents with cold-sensitive long-term health conditions are being advised to utilise the summer to prepare for the colder winter months by signing up to the District Council’s Warm Homes on Prescription scheme.
The scheme provides funding to help low-income households replace their boiler where the current heating system is broken or beyond repair.
Funding is subject to a successful application and offers boiler repairs and replacements, new heating controls, and cavity wall and loft insulation where needed.
Those eligible to receive support through the Warm Homes on Prescription scheme must live in their own home within the Newark and Sherwood District Council area and from a long-term health condition made worse by the cold. In addition, applicants must be on a relatively low income (a gross household annual income of no more than £16,000 for a single occupant, £20,000 for a two-adult household and £30,000 for a family) and have combined household savings and investments of no more than £16,000.
More information about the project and how to arrange a home visit is available on the District Council’s website: https://www.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/warmhomesonprescription/
Councillor Lee Brazier, Portfolio Holder for Homes and Health at Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: “With the warm weather we’ve been having, I know it is a little strange to be encouraging residents to get in touch about heating, but it won’t be long until those cold winter months are upon us again. We understand how important it is for residents with long-term health conditions to keep their homes safe and warm during the colder months so if you need help replacing a broken boiler, please contact us.”