Households in the district are being urged to have their say on their experiences as council customers and residents of Newark and Sherwood.
Newark and Sherwood District Council’s residents’ survey was launched online on Monday 22 October and will be open until Friday, December 7.
A paper copy will be posted to every household in the district and is due to arrive on doorsteps from November 2.
The district council is urging residents not to miss their chance to get their views heard.
Households are encouraged to share their views on council services including cleanliness, safety, waste collection and leisure facilities.
In addition, residents are asked score the services that they consider to be the most important, least important and those in need of improvement.
The district council will detail the results and how they will be used to shape council services in the spring edition of its Voice publication.
Those who complete the survey online can be entered into a prize draw. Palace Theatre tickets, entry to the National Civil War Centre and a three month Active4Today gym pass are among the prizes up for grabs.
The survey contains 17 questions and takes 5-10 minutes to complete. It can be completed online here: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/nsdcresidentsurvey
If residents experience any difficulties completing the survey, they should contact the Newark and Sherwood District Council Customer Services team on 01636 650000 or by emailingcustomerservices@nsdc.info