A review will take place over the coming months to ensure apprentices at Nottinghamshire County Council receive the best possible training to gain permanent employment.
The county council’s Personnel Committee wants to make sure skills developed by apprentices prepare them for long-term employability enabling the council to maximise the number of local job opportunities available.
Councillors also see the review feeding into a wider a strategy for all trainees at the county council to build skills and secure a job to help Nottinghamshire’s economy grow.
There are currently 231 apprentices learning skills across the county council’s four departments and schools across Nottinghamshire. They cut across all age groups and are recruited throughout the year.
Cllr Gordon Wheeler, chairman of the county council’s Personnel Committee, said: “The county council is one of Nottinghamshire’s biggest employers, and we play a significant role in developing work-based training and job opportunities for people across our county.
“I am delighted to have commissioned this review to make sure our apprentices are gaining ever single necessary skill to secure rewarding jobs and careers locally after the end of their qualification.
“I am confident this review will produce innovative ideas to make our already high-quality apprenticeships even better.
“This review is part of a wider strategy. We want every one of our trainees, whether an apprentice, graduate recruit or Kickstart trainee, to have a prospect of a job once they have completed their training.
“This link between training, skills development and employment is at the heart of what we are trying to achieve in terms of long-term economic growth and prosperity of the people of Nottinghamshire.”
The first stage of the review will be delivered to councillors in November.