A series of one hour sessions are being held for local businesses who wish to receive free, specialist and local support to help their business flourish.
Organised in partnership with Newark and Sherwood District Council and D2N2 Growth Hub, the sessions will be held on a one-to-one basis with Dawn Fear, one of D2N2 Growth Hub's Nottinghamshire Business Advisers. Attendees will have the opportunity to receive valuable advice, pose questions directly related to their business, get practical tips and obtain incisive information.
The surgery is aimed at businesses, either pre-start or established. In addition, depending on your business needs, a follow-up business review can also be arranged.
Taking place on Tuesday, 20 September 2022, at the Aura Business Centre, there are seven sessions throughout the day and will be offered on a first come, first served basis.
For more information and to book your sessions, please contact Sue Nattrass by emailing susan.nattrass@newark-sherwoodddc.gov.uk or calling 01636 655 277 or 07834 174 356.
Councillor Rhona Holloway, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Visitors at Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: "This is a brilliant opportunity for local businesses in Newark and Sherwood to receive important practical advice from our partners D2N2 Growth Hub on how to take their business to the next step. I encourage any business who feels they could benefit from one of these sessions to contact us to book their space, as places are limited.
"Newark and Sherwood District Council remains committed to providing local businesses with the best support."
The Business Support Surgery is part of a broader package of support Newark and Sherwood District Council provides to local businesses throughout the district. Support has included business clinics aimed at helping businesses grow through impartial financial advice and guidance from professional industry experts through the Business Resilience Programme and Business Support Programme.
For more information on how businesses can access support through Newark and Sherwood District Council, please visit http://www.investnewarksherwood.co.uk/.