Volunteers required at Muskham Rural Community Centre
Muskham Rural Community Centre are looking for more people to help out at the centre.
An appeal appeared on their Facebook page earlier today (Saturday 9th Sept)
'We need more volunteers to help run the centre. There is always something that needs doing and everyone has some skills to offer. For example in the last week our volunteers have served drinks on the bar, washed 100 chair covers, fixed a toilet seat, picked up litter and attended the monthly committee meeting. Two long standing members are stepping down at the AGM next month. In the coming months we ned help with Christmas Craft Fayre and promoting the village ventures performance and helping out behind the bar. Please message if you can help in any way. Thank you
If you feel you could offer the centre some support please contact them via email on bookings@muskhamruralcc.co.uk, call 07792 970841or visit their Facebook page Muskham Rural CC