Armed Forces Week takes place from Monday 21 June until Sunday 27 June and gives us a chance to show support for the countless men and women who make up our Armed Forces community; from currently serving troops to service families, to veterans and cadets and to reservists who have their own day of recognition on Wednesday 23 June.
The small ceremony took place at the District Council offices, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark at 10am on Monday June 21 and was attended by Newark and Sherwood District Council Chairman, Councillor Penny Rainbow, Newark and Sherwood District Council, Chief Executive John Robinson and Newark and Sherwood District Council Policy and Projects Officer Will Taylor. Everyone in attendance followed strict COVID-secure guidance and social distancing rules.
The District Council normally organises a number of events and celebrations to mark Armed Forces Week, but due to COVID restrictions this year, they could not go ahead as planned.
This was one of Newark and Sherwood District Council’s Chairman, Councillor Penny Rainbow’s first civic duties since her appointment in May 2021.
It was her responsibility to raise the flag at Castle House in Newark. Councillor Rainbow comments: “I was honoured to raise the flag in one of my first Civic duties as Chairman of the District Council. Armed Forces Week 2021 is a chance for us to show our support for the service people who make up the Armed Forces community, past and present.
“We enjoy the freedoms we have today because of them and their colleagues, who have fought to keep us safe in the past. It’s frustrating, but understandable, that we can’t celebrate them like we would normally due to COVID restrictions, but the flag raising event is a great tribute to the Armed Services community.”
After the ceremony the flag returned to half-mast to honour former Newark and Sherwood District Councillor Ken Fletcher who sadly passed away earlier this month. Councillor Fletcher served on Newark and Sherwood District Council for more than 30 years and was Chairman in 2004.