Newark Athletic Club
Newark AC member Tim Bagguley had a busy weekend in Leeds on Saturday he competed in the England Aquathlon Championships 750m swim and 5k run finishing 29th overall and 4th in his 30-34 age group just 30 secs off the podium. Overall time was 35mins 54 secs including the transition phases his splits for the 750m open water swim were 10min 30 secs and the 5k run 21 min 47 secs.
On Sunday it was the British standard triathlon championships which was held over the same televised course used for world series which included the Brownlee brothers. Tims start to the day was somewhat earlier than theirs he was in the first wave to enter the water at 7.00am. finishing 37thoverall and 11th in his age group his total time including transitions was 2hrs 14min 12 sec with his splits for 1500m open water swim being 21min 37 secs, 38k bike 1hr 4min 4sec, 10k run 40 min 50 secs.