Notfast news
Parkrun PB’s at Newark this week for Peter Lane and Madaleine Combie (37 seconds faster than her previous PB, and a whole minute faster than any of her recent times), and a PB for Amy Borrill in Sheffield.
On Saturday Liz Walton teamed up with former NOTFAST member Liz Fleutyto run the RAB Mini Mountain Marathon as a pair, while David Watt entered as a solo runner. Starting and finishing at Tintwistle in Derbyshire they navigated the many tussocks and patches of black bog, collected a decent number of points, and all finished just inside the 4 hour cut-off time.
19 NOTFAST runners and plenty of PBs at the East Midlands Airport 10k on Sunday: Andy Rowlands 48:42 (PB), Breeze Rowlands 1:04:49 (PB), Fay Paterson 1:04:01 (PB) Jacqui Walton 1:03:50 (PB), Netty Stevens 56:51 (PB - aiming for 1h02!), Simon Lock 46:59, Stuart Chase 51:39, Nick Rayns55:29, Kath Ashley 1:07:44, Vicky Heath 1:04:10, James Grand-Scrutton(1st 10k) 1:24:30, Kerry Robinson 59:10 (PB), Ady Mumby 1:15:35, Britta Barnett 1:05:21, Gill Goode 1:16:11, Cliff Robinson 50:15, Kirsty Watson1:03:52 (PB), Chris Redhead 56:07, Chris Mumby 1:06:26 (PB).
There was also a good turnout from NOTFAST at the East Midlands Cross Country League event at Holme Pierrepont – 28 runners meant that we had 5 ladies’ teams and 4 men’s teams. Our runners enjoyed a sunny (and not too windy!) winter morning. Good performances by all, with strong and steady efforts up and down the muddy hills, both from those new to cross country and by the more experienced, who knowingly pushed on to the finish line and the NOTFAST cake gazebo! Full results attached.
Adam Holland is part-way through his next amazing challenge – the Saxons, Vikings and Normans 10 marathons in 10 days. Adam’s aim is to get the Guinness World Record for fastest 10-in-10, and achieve 10 sub-3 hour marathons. So far (as of Monday night), in spite of the windy weather, he is well on the way with his first four marathons being under 3 hours. Oh, and he has come first in them all too!