Striders on tour
Another busy week end for Striders.
Firstly in the Canaries Islands Sallyanne Fisher completed the Tenerife half marathon which she completed in just under three hours.
Closer to home three Striders completed the Turkey Trot half marathon in Keyworth, finishing together Philippa Clarke and Jan Bailey completed the course in a fantastic time of 1:46:30 followed by Stacey Atkins in 2:12:25.
Meanwhile in Derbyshire four Striders completed the hilly Bolsover 10K, two achieving personal best times. Becky Clift finished in a time of 57:39 PB, Donna Beveridge 1:06:52 PB, running together Jaqy Halstead and Steve Ibbotson 1:09:04.
Jess Gordon ran the Telford 10k in a fantastic time 46:54, just missing out on a PB.
And lastly congratulations to all who participated in the Lincoln santa run.
Well done All.