My kind of town Chicago is
There were 37 club members over 6 Parkruns this week. PB’s for David Baker, Brian Noble, amyParkes and Kathryn Lile
On Saturday, Breeze Rowlands and Fay Parker took on the Gruesome Twosome Trail half marathonin 02:31:56, a fantastic effort given injury
Annette Taylor completed the Salcey Forest 10k near Northampton in 01:02:31
Dawn Lamb obtained a new 5k PB in the Lincoln race for life in a time of 33:12
Onto Sunday:
Kim Etherington-Bates completed the run for wildlife 5k, finishing 4th Lady in a time of 24:45
Andy Floyd took on his first Duathalon at colliers wood in Brinsley, Completing the Challenge (4k Run, 15.5k Cycle, 2k Run) in 01:23:35
A little further afield, Nick Harrison took part in the very hot Palma half Marathon, completing in (watch time) 02:58:31
Over the pond, Sue and Steve Needham took part in the Chicago Marathon, starting with the Saturday 5k, completing in 37:18 together they then took on the full marathon on the Sunday, Steve completing in 05:01:54 and Sue in 05:42:32
The biggest Notfast faction were at the Stilton Stumble 10k , finishing first for the club was Claire Wood – 52:03, followed by Barry Wood – 52:03, James Singer – 52:26 (PB), Simon Keyworth – 54:47 (PB), Angela Brown – 57:17 (course PB), Lisa Leach – 01:04:25, Dianne Kennett – 01:08:09, Kelly Dowling – 01:09:47, Madaleine Combie – 01:12:56 (PB), Peter Brown – 01:15:31, Fay Hemingway – 01:18:07