On Air Now Jamie Curt 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Now Playing Gwen Stefani Bouquet


As well as acting a bit like a supply teacher jumping in now and again when others pull sick days, book late annual leave or are stuck in traffic Craig joins the weekend workers, nightshifters and early risers on a Saturday morning.

If your off to work or just walking in from a nightshift say hello and be a Weeked Warrior because let's be honest we don't all get a Monday to Friday 9 to 5 luxury!

Events, interviews, new music and of course fresh coffee is where its at. Saturday breakfast appears every seven days from 7am.

If you dont know him already, here is a small insight...

Birthdate: Back in a time when Eddy Grant was still making number ones!

Where have you worked before? Throughout my knowledge-gaining experience of work I have found myself packing down a market stall, supervising in the food industry, selling car spares and working as a shopkeeper in retail, along with other jack of all trade bits and bobs on the way.

Movie: When it comes to movies I have a hidden child, so anything by either Dreamworks Pixar or Disney, but ultimately it has to be Home Alone – who cannot resist a bit of the bag lady!

Born: In a place no one goes any longer, and where everyone always asks “Ave you got a loight boy?”

First job: Officially it was a paper round, my area being Winthorpe Road Estate – whatever the weather I was there 6am, 7 days, for £7 a week!

Best holiday: Quite possibly Sardinia, Italy. It is a beautiful area with plenty of history and culture, and the Italians know how to make good coffee! The fact that the holiday was all inclusive and over 100 of my friends went did not at all sway my decision here.

Favourite sound: Waves crashing at the beach

Least favourite sound: The screech from windscreen wipers scraping on the glass

Pets: Little Legs - he joins me on a Sat morning too, he is my small shadow.

Kids: Not yet, still trying to look after myself.

You like: I am addicted to coffee – fresh not instant – and I enjoy reading crime thrillers and watching similar TV dramas.

You dislike: Bananas! I’ll leave them to Eric!

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be the one that taste-tested the chocolate for quality control in the factory; in fact I still do, where do I sign up?

Instant feel good factor: Coffee (I see a theme here), music and the sun!!!