10 minutes | Thursday, 21 November 2019
Six schools, one choir and over four hundred voices come together to relay one message in a community song.
Just Be You is a song about being ourselves and the importance of this for good mental health.
With a strong message, the song has been used by the schools to talk through issues including grieving, making friends, being patient and coping with change. By using the simple message of ‘it’s ok to be ourselves’, each school has also used Just Be You to address body image, emotions, playground bullying, being individual and much more.
Each of the schools involved have relayed how much they have enjoyed taking part and the difference this project has made in everyday life at the school.
Participating schools included Newark Academy, Forest View Academy, Barnby Road Academy, Barrowby Church of England primary, Mount Church of England Primary, St Peters Cross Keys Church of England Primary, and the Major Oak Pop Choir.