Let's Talk About Death

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We invite you to read these notes & join an honest and compassionate conversation about death.
We ask the questions you might not feel comfortable asking elsewhere, to share our experiences of loss, to explore our fears around death, and perhaps most importantly, to reclaim the process of death rather than it being purely medical.
We know that death is hard, often tragic, isolating, and scary for many and still a massive gap in our understanding, but we also know that it is the inevitable experience that binds us all.
We do not know when or how Mother Nature will call our name, but we do know that she will at some point. It is in this place of vulnerability and grief that we need to connect with our fellow human beings, experience collective love and compassion and walk alongside one another, knowing we cannot solve or change what lies ahead but that we can float in that sea of unknowing together until it is time to release our loved ones to whatever lies ahead.
This podcast is our invitation to everyone to have these honest conversations without fear of judgment, prejudice, or being shut down. Our ears and hearts are open to help us all find a way to have a better and less traumatic relationship with death.
So, please join us in the hope that even in the darkest times, our shared experiences can provide some peace and comfort for us all and shine a light when we need it most.
Nik Davis - Soul Midwife.
In the same way that a midwife brings a soul into this world, a soul midwife helps a soul to depart this world.
Nik’s role as a soul midwife is to support anyone with an end-of-life illness, from the point of diagnosis to their final departure, with love, care and compassion.
She is there to provide emotional, psychological and spiritual support to enable each person to have the most peaceful and content death that they can.
Nik works purely pro bono as a soul midwife; no payment is required, and her services are given with love.
Nik currently supports Beaumond House Hospice as their soul midwife and The Butterfly Project, a compassionate and holistic service to help patients in their last year of life.
Nik can be contacted through her website, www.nikdavis.com, and you can find out more about soul midwives at https://www.soulmidwives.co.uk/ and the Butterfly Project at https:// www.nandscvs.org/our-work/butterfly-service/
Katharine Macbeth.
Katharine originally trained as an Oncology Intensive Care Nurse, where she had her first encounters with death. Following the death of her father, she experienced a change of heart towards her career and decided to pursue a slightly different avenue in the therapeutic world.
Katharine now provides yoga, hypnotherapy and somatic experiences working with a range of clients, young to old. She is still interested in working in palliative care, and she hopes to weave her way back into an alternative practice.
Katharine can be contacted via her website, www.sequoiamindandbody.co.uk
Katie Moloney.
Katie has worked as a GP for 17 years, 15 years in the NHS, and 2 years in the private sector. Her interest in palliative care began during her training when she saw first-hand how important it is to get dying right, for patients and those they leave behind. As a GP she has taken a special interest in end-of-life care and she now serves as a trustee for her local hospice. Her goal is for all people to live well while dying. She has witnessed the effects of not having conversations about death and dying until it is too late and sees the immense value of participating in this podcast.
If you have been affected by the content of this podcast, please do reach out to any one of the below organisations.
Our local hospice: https://www.beaumondhouse.co.uk
Samaritans https://www.samaritans.org/
Marie Curie https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/
Macmillian https://www.macmillan.org.uk/
Sue Ryder https://www.sueryder.org/
Age UK https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/health-wellbeing/relationships-family/bereavement/
Cruse Bereavement https://www.cruse.org.uk/understanding-grief/
Bereavement Advice Centre https://www.bereavementadvice.org/topics/coping-with-grief-and-bereavement-advice/useful-contacts/
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